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800-395-7379_0001 - 2003-03-08 herbal remedies - 800-395-7379 mailto:shealthlove@firemail.de
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<p ALIGN="CENTER"> </p>
<p ALIGN="CENTER"><font size="3">Digestion problems are a main cause for disease.  Forward
this e-mail to a friend that has a digestion problem.</font></p>
<p ALIGN="CENTER"><font size="3" color="#FF0000">THE HE<!--UYB-->RBAL INGR<!--UYB-->EDIENTS WITHIN 
<p ALIGN="CENTER"><b><i><u><font size="4">Ultra Lax</font></u></i><font size="3"> 
is an aid in colon and intes<!--UYB-->tinal therapy.</font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">Co<!--UYB-->lon therapy releases toxins, cleanses the
blood, stimulates the immune system, and aids in rest<!--UYB-->oring the pH balance in the
body," says Connie Allred, President of the American Colon Therapy
Association.    Colo<!--UYB-->n therapy can help relieve a wide range of symptoms related to colon dysfunction, including,</font></p>
    <p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">BACKACHE</font></li>
    <p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">HEA<!--UYB-->DACHE</font></li>
    <p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">BAD BR<!--UYB-->EATH</font></li>
    <p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">COAT<!--UYB-->ED TON<!--UYB-->GUE</font></li>
    <p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">GAS</font></li>
    <p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">BLO<!--UYB-->ATING</font></li>
    <p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">INDIGE<!--UYB-->STION</font></li>
    <p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">CONS<!--UYB-->TIPATION</font></li>
    <p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">SINUS AND OR LU<!--UYB-->NG CON<!--UYB-->GESTION</font></li>
    <p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">SKIN PROBLEMS</font></li>
    <p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">LOSS OF CONCENT<!--UYB-->RATION</font></li>
    <p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">FATIGUE</font></li>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">Colon therapy also helps to re establish regular
bowel movements by restoring muscle tone and normal peri<!--UYB-->stalsis.  According
to Dr. Collins, as the squeezing action of pe<!--UYB-->ristalsis moves the blood and lymph
in the region of the colon, the cells lining the colon excrete toxins and waste
products into the both the colon and bloodstream for elimination.</font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">Peristalsis also stimulates the liver to produce
more bile,  Increased bile production aids the absorption of lipids (liquid
fats) and fat-soluble vitamins, , aids in the removal of immune complexes
(substances formed when antibodies attach to antigens), and assist in the
breakdown of cholesterol.  Increased bile production also induces proper
blood clotting and helps prevent the production of galls<!--UYB-->tones.</font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">Colon therapy is most effective when used in
conjunction with special exercises and alternative therapies such as acupuncture
and homeopathy, says Dr. Collins,  He uses colon therapy as an adjunct
treatment for a wide range of conditions, including hypertension, arthritis,
depression, parasites, and lung problems.</font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3"> In the case of hype<!--UYB-->rtension, the muscular
movements initiated by colon therapy help to control blood pressure by
regulating the autonomic nervous system.  Ar<!--UYB-->thritis patients benefit
because of the direct stimulation of the 9immune system, states Collins. 
This may help to remove immune complexes from the joints, a major factor in
rhe<!--UYB-->umatoid arthritis.</font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"> </p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">Colon therapy can also help rid the body of
parasites without a need for the heavy drugs usually prescribe to treat
them.  Dr. Collins reports of a patient who had a case of giardiasis (a
form of parasites.)( She received colon therapy treatments and an Ayurvedic oral
flush with salt water.  After several treatments that included pancreatic
enzymes, she tested clear of the parasites.</font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">FATIGUE</font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">There are 100 capsules in each.  The herbs
contained are wild grown and not tainted with any chemicals.  They are in
their natural form ground and capsuled.  THEY ARE NOT TABLETS.  They
are made by an her<!--UYB-->balist doctor that knows how to heal with herbs .(cascara
sagrada, senna pods, psylli<!--UYB-->um seeds, turkey rhubarb, aloes, barberry root and
slippery elm.) </font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"> </p>
<p ALIGN="center"><font size="3"><u><i>ULTRA LAX</i></u></font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3"><u>ULTRA LAX. </u>  This herbal combination is
not only a fiber.  It will cause the intestines to contract and expel as
they are supposed to as well as clean off the inner walls.  </font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">It is well known that there are about 5-10 pounds
of undigested meat and food in the intestines.  Reports have been made that
after 3 months of taking Ultra Lax, pieces of fecal wasted matter almost like
wood have come out in the stool.  There is nothing like Ultra Lax on the market or
in the stores.  Ultra Lax is just a name given to this herbal combination
that works.  If you are backed up for weeks and weeks, ultra lax
works.  It normally takes a day or two to get things moving, but it works
even with the most horrible cases of people who are constipated for weeks, it
just takes a few days longer.  </font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">Directions for optimal health.  </font></b><font size="3">   
</font><b><font size="3">There are different degrees of digestion problems and a
different amount is necessary for each.  (you may experience stomach cramps
due to new movement.  If this occurs take less until you build up.)</font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">Worse Degree.  Between 3 and 9 capsules per
day with and 8oz glass of water upon each intake.  You have to monitor
yourself and decide your own dosage accordingly.  Ultra Lax always
works.  In the worse case that I've ever seen it took three weeks. 
This man manually would take out his stool and had not had a normal bowel
movement for over 30 years.  After three weeks of taking a few a day, he
went normally.  (He probably wasn't even taking it with water nor was he
taking enough, if he had been, he would have been corrected much sooner.)</font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">Moderate to low degree,  1-3 capsules per
day with an 8 oz glass of water upon each intake.</font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><u><i><font size="3">General Directions Below,</font></i></u></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3"> 1 capsule
20 minutes before breakfast daily for the first few days with a full glass of
spring water.  As your body permits, increase dosage to between two and six
capsules daily for three months.  Then a maintenance dose of one -three
capsules daily.   Some nausea may occur at first because your
intestines are moving again, releasing packed fecal matter that has been sitting
still for some time.  As your intestines strengthen, you metabolism will
increase and other health benefits will occur.  When your intestines are
working correctly it will allow
an individual to absorb the nutrients from his food far better.  2-3 bowl
movements per day are consistent with a healthy person.    Proper dig<!--UYB-->estion has already been shown to cause longer
life, flatter stomach, healt<!--UYB-->hier skin, clearer thinking, weight loss, cleaner
feeling, deeper sleep, consistent bowel movements, better organ function and
more.  </font></p>
<p ALIGN="left"><font size="3">Ultra lax causes the intestinal muscles to
contract and convulse as they are meant to.  If they have not been working
right your whole life, you are basically working out a muscle that has been
sitting atrophied over the years.  In the same way you would maintain
working out a particular muscle such as the leg muscle or arm muscle, you have
to maintain your intestinal muscles with the right nutrients.  We suggest
until you learn about a proper diet for the intestinal tract, use Ultra-lax
through out your life to keep digestively fit.</font></p>
<p ALIGN="center"><font size="3"><u><font color="#FF0000">Ultra Lax 100 capsules 28$</font></u></font></b><font size="3">    
</font><b><font color="#FF0000"><u>Ultra Lax 500 capsules
$128.00 </u>   <u>CALL 800-395-7379</u></font></b></p>
<p ALIGN="left"> </p>
<p align="center">

Future natural studies include, prostate research, breast 
cancer, lymphoma, colon cancer.  To subscribe send e-mail to
<a href="mailto:shealthlove@firemail.de">shealthlove1@firemail.de</a>  
Subscribers will only be contacted on study discoveries and natural remedies.  
E-mail address will be kept completely confidential.  To be removed e-mail <a href="mailto:fast8762@firemail.de">
<p ALIGN="center"><b></p>
<p ALIGN="CENTER"><u><font color="#FF0000" size="3"> </font></u></p>


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