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List your spam-fighting website here:
2014-03-25 06:15:05 : machineX : http://forum.machinecore.info/forum-78.html
place to post and discuss spam. free registration no email required
2011-08-25 00:55:33 : SpamFighter : http://WebNola.com
Taking the fight against spam to a global level
2011-08-25 00:54:54 : Spam Protection : http://www.kittenslingerie.com
We offer our customers spam protection
2011-08-02 09:41:27 : disya rahmawan : http://www.MovieYT.com
2011-01-22 18:02:01 : Donald DAvanzo : http://www.spamreporteronline.com
Be in the know of recent spam alerts and outbreaks. Block IP and domains featured on our site before the damage and headache's start.
2011-01-22 17:59:52 : Donald DAvanzo : http://www.stopandrewstephens.com
Our site is dedicated to taking down and informing the public about Andrew Jacob Stephens a know ROKSO Spammer
2010-12-18 08:02:28 : Administrator : http://www.iberwall.net
A hosted Anti Spam blocker
2010-12-08 16:35:03 : Tony : http://www.thefunstufftodo.com
Help people avoid scams.
2010-12-01 06:19:39 : Thomas Paylor : http://www.thomaspaylor.com
Providing unique content to help people avoid spam and scams when creating a home based business
2010-10-15 14:30:44 : Lumberjack : http://www.lumbercartel.ca/
The Lumber Cartel, local 42 (Canadian branch), is a grass-roots community-focused advocacy effort aimed at educating and providing helpful information about the issues surrounding junk eMail.
2010-03-22 21:22:09 : Craig Patchett : http://www.spamcloud.org
Project devoted to analyzing spam and developing effective antispam tools.
2009-12-10 19:58:57 : HI OSC : http://www.hickamosc.com/11.html
Internet Security
2009-09-30 20:35:41 : Chris : http://www.endspam.net/
Email filter service
2009-08-02 02:16:53 : Abaca Anti-Spam Appliance : http://www.abaca.com
The most accurate spam filter in the world based on independent reviews;
2009-05-26 02:47:40 : Ari-Soft : http://www.ari-soft.com
2009-03-29 21:27:34 : K. Birk : http://www.liveoffice.com/
Email archiving with hosted spam blocking and antivirus services
2009-02-03 16:28:19 : AKramer : http://www.mimosasystems.com
e-Mail archiving, partnered with enablingtechnologies.com to provide SPAM solutions
2008-01-27 12:48:50 : Ryan : http://www.theboogieman.org
A site dedicated to indexing and archiving spam.
2007-12-22 13:22:51 : Senecius : http://labirynt.kalamat.cba.pl
Spam Labyrinth
2006-08-04 00:44:40 : Sanjeev Kumar : http://www.security.org.in
Security Advisories
2006-07-26 01:17:34 : Waka Jawaka : http://sensimilia.eu.org/spam/
The Spam Parody. Random sentences generated from core data of real spam.
2006-07-13 10:40:53 : William Silverstein : http://www.myspamsuit.com
A law firm that sues spammers
2006-07-13 10:40:17 : Bill Silverstein : http://www.barbieslapp.com/spam
Information on spammers that I am suing
2006-05-13 18:29:37 : (guest) : http://thecarpcstore.com/phpbb2/
a forum apparently set up in response to the blue security spammers. very blackhat tactics here.
2006-04-11 06:47:50 : Pierre Pinard : http://assiste.forum.free.fr/
Assiste.com community - Largest French website about Security and Privacy - Extended chapter against spam
2006-04-11 06:46:13 : Pierre Pinard : http://assiste.com
Assiste.com - Largest French website about Security and Privacy - Extended chapter against spam
2006-04-01 20:11:29 : Tommy Morris : http://www.InstantSpamBlocker.com
Excellent Challenge and Response System with Community Forum
2006-02-10 15:45:54 : Pietro Di Gregorio : http://sourceforge.net/projects/spamfilter/.
This SPAM fighter is a plugin for IIS SMTP Virtual Server. Features are : Intelligent filtering, challenge-response false positive protection, dynamic address lists, LDAP enabled, Antivirus
2006-01-12 06:28:28 : Alberto : http://www.theincrediblespammuseum.com
A categorized archive of Spam Emails
2005-11-29 14:19:01 : Vroom : http://www.blockalert.com/
Spam and spamvertising events organized into IP block hierarchy.
2005-11-17 20:09:59 : Postini Solutions : http://www.spamportal.com
Lowest Price for Postini Enterprise Email FIlter
2005-10-02 15:55:00 : Dan Balsam : http://www.DanHatesSpam.com
Small claims and superior court cases against spammers. Legal references. All states' Secretary of State websites.
2005-08-29 17:23:27 : Greg Reynolds : http://www.spamvirushelp.com
Tips and free tools for blocking spam, virus protection, personal firewalls and more.
2005-08-19 16:22:22 : Randy Miller : http://www.trimmail.com/news/
Email Battles: Daily spam, security, privacy, spyware, phishing & virus news from the front lines.
2005-07-18 17:11:19 : William F. Donner : http://bdonner.coconia.net/
Scripts available to poison the databases of spammers by auto filling their online request forms thousands of times per day with random false consumer info
2005-07-14 09:37:20 : John : http://www.ypshost.com
We provide a antispam solution that filters spam and viruses on the internet at the internet level.
2005-06-13 17:18:20 : Bern : http://www.damnit.co.nz
We provide a antispam solution that filters spam and viruses on the internet at the internet level. no need for hardware, software and or expensive support
2005-06-03 16:22:15 : info@spamisbad.com : http://SpamIsBad.com
Our goal is to feed the growing consciousness against e-mail spam. Legislation is inevitable and we should all be informed and ensure that our representatives are informed.
2005-04-24 15:40:47 : Email Safety Tips - Spam Protection, Email Scams, Virus Prot : http://www.emailsafety.net
Spam Protection, Email Scams, Virus Protection & Basic Email Tips
2005-03-28 13:18:31 : Ben Bartell - webmaster, www.the-alh.com : http://www.the-alh.com/eMCS3.htm
eMCS3 (Electronic Mail Control System {3 Phased}) is an e-mail security system that allows the user far more control over their messages than they presently have.
2005-03-27 19:36:38 : Marcus : http://www.millersmiles.co.uk
Phishing scams - the largest online archive of phishing scams
2005-01-20 16:42:30 : Ethan Hunt : http://www.chnun.com
how and why to sign up for spam
2005-01-04 03:00:08 : SpamSlayer : http://www.hillscapital.com/antispam/
2004-12-20 11:34:52 : Danny Goodman : http://spamwars.com
Support site for the "Spam Wars" book; blog; Q&A; tools
2004-11-15 06:34:47 : Michael Vella : http://www.msexchange.org/articles/Server_Based_Antispam_Comparison.html
Seven product Enterprise anti spam comparison Chart
2004-11-07 13:49:22 : Andy Markley : http://www.art101.com
Anti-spam activist. Links to resources for taking back your mailbox, an ABC News affiliate video, and a Wired.com news feature.
2004-10-31 20:54:31 : Alan Hearnshaw : http://www.whichspamfilter.com
Spam Filter Reviews, Spam Blocker user ratings and community forum
2004-08-07 20:28:44 : a phish : http://www.antiphishing.org.uk
Daily Phishing News from various sources on the net
2004-07-23 21:23:35 : SpamFo : http://www.spamfo.co.uk
Articles and contemporary news items relating to phishing and internet scams
2004-07-15 21:30:19 : Rich Olson : http://www.spambutcher.com
SpamButcher is an email spam filter. It's available as a free trial download.
2004-07-02 19:15:15 : Niall Roche : http://www.spam-site.com
Spamsite is your one stop resource for fighting spam
2004-06-16 06:26:34 : Whitney Rong : http://www.polesoft.com
Free but safe anti spam software series, Lockspam for Outlook, Outlook Express and Eudora.
2004-06-01 15:54:28 : Jeff Hendrickson : http://www.hendricom.com
Report spam to the spammer's Internet service provider with this easy to use software
2004-05-21 13:33:15 : John Hart : http://www.spamhelp.org
The one-stop site for all your anti-spam needs. Featuring articles, software, services, appliances, tools, books and anything related to spam.
2004-05-17 17:45:37 : Martin Thorborg : http://www.spamfighter.com
SPAMfighter stops unsolicited spam mails before they reach your desktop. Take advantage of our peer-to-peer collaborative spam server to automatically stop spam.
2004-05-13 06:06:04 : Matt : http://www.gordano.com/technology/Anti-Spam.htm
Gordano's Messaging Suite (GMS, NTMail) Anti-Spam software
2004-05-05 18:04:01 : JLS Development : http://spamx.com
SpamX - Spam Blocking and One-Click REPORTING! Software for Any OS [Mac, Win, Linux, UNIX...]
2004-04-22 15:25:49 : Marjolein Katsma : http://banspam.javawoman.com/
Ban Spam: This little site provides information and resources to help deal with spam
2004-04-07 09:27:52 : catwoecat : http://www.spamweed.com
SpamWeed spam filter adopts state-of-the-art statistical filtering technology and refined algorithm. Its built-in filter mechanism blocks spam and quarantines viruses.
2004-04-06 23:46:23 : Andy Warner : http://spamvertised.abusebutler.com/
Lists of spamvertised URLs and how actively they are used.
2004-03-30 10:08:49 : Spam Fields : http://www.spamfields.com
Mines for mailharvesters - crash their system with random overload - funsite
2004-03-29 05:23:21 : GOTO Software : http://www.vade-retro.com
New french antispam site whith mail quarantine. Very easy to use
2004-03-18 20:41:35 : J Richards : http://www.richnetworks.net/spamcontrol
Continually updated list of netblocks containing the Internet's most notorious spam friendly IP addresses free to use to help mail admins and individuals
2004-03-10 14:34:08 : SymFriend : http://www.symantec.com/antispam/
Symantec AntiVirus - PC Magazine and CNet Editors Choice winner for 2004
2004-01-30 11:06:18 : SpamFilterInfo : http://www.spamfilterinfo.com
Anti Spam Filter for Outlook 2000/2002(XP)/2003 and Outlook Express 5/6
2003-12-27 04:40:26 : Troy Billington : http://www.doshelp.com
Denial of Service and Intrusion Reporting. We provide Tools, Firewalls, Intrusion Detection, anti-spam/pop-up software
2003-12-23 12:13:48 : CleanMessage : http://www.cleanmessage.com
Total enterprise protection from Worms and Spam. Nothing to install.
2003-12-19 10:50:50 : BobCat : http://www.acidics.com/
Acidics anti-scam site, also has a great forum
2003-12-12 21:00:06 : no_more_spam : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/no_more_spam/
Sign up with spammers, using: no_more_spam@yahoogroups.com
2003-12-09 00:09:48 : Greg : http://formflood.sourceforge.net
Java open-source Web Form Flooder: give spammers garbage data
2003-11-30 07:07:27 : Paul : http://www.ackadia.com/computers/it-spam.html
IT site with anti-spam section covering news, faqs, solution, lists of Spammers and links to tools and anti-spam sites
2003-11-10 18:42:11 : Tim Bunting : http://community-2.webtv.net/cashcobra/WebsitePartIIThe/page2.html
Why spam is bad and what can be done about it
2003-11-05 10:40:25 : artists against 419 : http://www.artists-against-419.mugus.com/
Another Nightmare for 419ers: bandwidth theft art - an answer by visual artists on 419. Visit the gallery of broken images!
2003-10-28 18:31:31 : SpamWar : http://spamwar.cerealkiller.org
Fighting spammers sending then mass mails from their own website!! (Site in Portuguese)
2003-10-20 22:43:49 : William : http://www.dumbexperts.com
Helping people get educated about misleading internet gurus. Useful resources for investigating scams
2003-10-17 15:50:11 : BobCat : http://mmfparody.freeyellow.com
BobCat's MMF Parody site (C&C)
2003-10-17 15:47:44 : BobCat : http://www.mmfhoh.org/
The MMF Hall of Humiliation
2003-10-17 15:47:27 : BobCat : http://members3.boardhost.com/BobCatHOH/
BobCat's Anti-MMF and Anti-Spam Forum
2003-09-27 03:32:58 : Unsolicited Commando : http://www.astrobastards.net/uc/
Distributed software system that fills out the forms on spamvertised websites with real looking data... barely legal.
2003-08-21 11:07:19 : charlie@mxdemo.borderware.com : http://mxdemo.borderware.com
Best Anti Spam Appliance Available
2003-08-19 20:18:44 : Spam Bully : http://www.spambully.com/
Learns from your email habits, bounces spam, friends/spammers lists.
2003-08-18 20:33:41 : Jeanne Gold : http://spamcop.net/
Send your spam to spamcop to have them reported to their ISP's. Reporting only accounts are free.
2003-08-09 14:06:50 : Ed Kohler : http://haystackinaneedle.com/news/200304_traffic_magnet.htm
Who is Sarah Williams of TrafficMagnet?
2003-08-05 13:06:20 : The Hare's Lair : http://www.hazeleger.net
Anti Spam information / Support forum FrontGate MX (freeware)
2003-07-24 17:11:23 : Laura Strassman : http://www.inboxer.com
Bayesian spam filter - client side learns what you want and what you dont
2003-07-21 15:37:04 : Mike Hlavenka : http://www.messageauthority.com
Client-side plugin to Outlook and Outlook Express, which learns the user's mail preferences and blocks spam accordingly.
2003-06-09 23:26:37 : Jeff Micono : http://www.aldebaran.com
Configuration files for postfix anti-UCE and the spam hall of shame
2003-06-09 09:57:18 : gehill : http://www.geocities.com/spameradicator/
Helping the average user learn to fight spam and educate themselves about their choices.
2003-05-15 12:47:55 : Eric Olson : http://www.safeinternetemail.com
Pattern analysis engine used on U.S. military mission critical systems. Effectively blocks spam.
2003-05-08 19:22:43 : William Stearns : http://www.stearns.org/sa-blacklist/
Blacklist of spammer domains in Spamassassin format
2003-05-02 01:20:43 : Jonathan A. Zdziarski : http://www.networkdweebs.com/products/dspam/
A free, open-source server-side anti-spam agent using statistical token probabilities.
2003-04-23 17:17:18 : Spam WithPhone : http://www.iono.com
2003-04-12 02:00:53 : Philip S. Hempel : http://linuxhardcore.com/spam
Information about spam and security issues
2003-03-22 01:44:30 : Smart Guy : http://www.stupidnewbies.com/index.htm
Fighting spam with information and retribution. Details of my fights are shown.
2003-03-20 13:37:49 : Spam Links : http://spamlinks.net/
Comprehensive collection of anti-spam links
2003-03-18 15:00:38 : Kelly Chien : http://www.spamsucks.us/
Spam haters vs. spam likers - sound off and voice your opinion to the world.