212-937-2303_0001 - 2003-01-13 international drivers license 1-212-937-2303
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212-937-2303_0001 - 2003-01-13 international drivers license 1-212-937-2303
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Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 00:12:39 +0000 (E.)
From: achieh <achieh@concentric.net>
Subject: nibbling
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Need a new driver's license?

Too many points or other trouble?

Want a license that can never be suspended
or revoked?

Want ID for nightclubs or hotel check-in?

Avoid tickets, fines, and mandatory driver's

Protect your privacy, and hide your identity.
The United Nations gave you the privilege to
drive freely throughout the world! (Convention
on International Road Traffic of September 19,
1949 & World Court Decision, The Hague,
Netherlands, January 21, 1958)

Take advantage of your rights. Order a valid
International Driver's License that can never
be suspended or revoked.

Confidentiality assured.


1-212-937-2303    (U.S.A.)    

TOASTEDspam.com toasted spam dot com