- 2002-09-26 millionaire cash system -
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(1863) View this spam as a pruned html file toasted spam dot com - 2002-09-26 millionaire cash system -
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Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 18:31:25 -0400
From: "Gregory Sachdeva"<>
X-Priority: 3
Subject: ==> ((( Millionaire In Motion, Join Us Now!!! ))) <==


<FONT COLOR ="#000000"> <STRONG><H2>Hello!</H2></FONT>
<FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H1>"Qcsbs-rrr" $1,500+/Wk <BR>
Millionaire Cash System</H1></FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR ="#008000"><H1><STRONG>Quick Cash Secret Banking System,<BR> 
The Royal Road To Riches… </FONT></H1></STRONG>
<FONT COLOR ="#0000FF"><H3><FONT TYPE="VERDANA"><STRONG>A proven money making system, that will  wipe out<BR> all your debts! </FONT></H3></STRONG>

<FONT COLOR ="#000000"> <H5> Open "special bank account" on the internet, <BR>
at a "secret website", we'll reveal, click your mouse once, enter <BR>
a "special code #",  then click your mouse a second time, and<BR>
generate $1,500+/wk, in easy fast cash! </FONT>

There is: <BR>
<FONT COLOR ="#0000FF"><I> ==> No special training! <BR> 
==> No hard work or large investment! <BR> 
==> Not a loan program, Credit card scheme, Bank fraud! <BR> 
==> Not Mlm, Network, stocks, bonds, Commodity trading<BR> 
     (such as soybeans, oil, gas,) CD, or offshore account! <BR> 
==> Not a Business! No staff or office needed! <BR> 
==> No Marketing, No meetings, No conference calls! <BR> 
==> 100% legal in all countries of the world!  </FONT></I></H5>


<FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H3>Only 3 Steps:</FONT></H3>
<FONT COLOR ="#000000"> <H4>  (1) Click your mouse once, <BR>
(2) Then enter "certain secret code #"<BR>
we'll reveal, <BR>
(3) Then click your mouse again, <BR>
and rake in fast cash! <BR>
More than $1,500+/wk possible! </FONT></H4>
<FONT COLOR ="#000080"><H5>Nbc, Cbs, Abc, Cnn, Cnbc, Financial Times,  
New  <BR>   York Times,   
Los Angeles Times, Washington Post,  Wall Street <BR>    Journal, Investors'    
Business Daily,  and all Financial communities in  <BR>   New York, London,   
Tokyo, and Switzerland agree   that <BR>   Qcsbs-rrr is the   
Fastest and Greatest way to make money on earth! </FONT></H5>
<FONT COLOR ="#000000"><H5> Why? Because it generates 1.2 trillion dollars daily  
worldwide, <BR>  so you can generate piles of cash   
$300-500 daily, just by  clicking <BR>your mouse! 
Unlike in regular business, stocks, bonds,  <BR> with  
Qcsbs-rrr you make money every day! </FONT></H5>

<FONT COLOR ="#008000"><H4><STRONG>Qcsbs-rrr is like an Atm machine, that will crank out <BR>
piles of cash ($300-500) for you 5 days, every week,  <BR> all year!   
$1,500+/wk legal easy fast cash, possible!</FONT></H4></STRONG>
<FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H4><STRONG> Wipe off your debt in just a couple of weeks!<FONT></H4></STRONG>
<FONT COLOR ="#000000"><H5>You should not believe us!
We may be lying!
But what if what we're saying is true?
<FONT COLOR ="#0000FF"><H5> "Seeing is believing,"  right?</FONT> </H5><BR> 
<FONT COLOR ="#000000"> <H5>So, don't believe us yet! 
You can't lose by finding out!
Just order your Qcsbs package today, try it for free <BR>
(using Free "$10,000", demo account) and convince<BR>
yourself it is valid, legal and fast, before you <BR>
invest even 1 penny! </FONT></H5>
<FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H3><I> If you do well in the free trial, you'll be awarded<BR> $1000 free cash! </FONT></I></H3>
<FONT COLOR ="#008000"><H3><STRONG>Can you click your mouse twice a day??? <BR> 
If yes, you can do Qcsbs-rrr, and rake in<BR> 
$1,500+/wk, easy, fast legal cash!!!</FONT></H3></STRONG> 
<FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H4> Satisfy  your Curiosity!!!</FONT><BR>  <FONT COLOR ="#000000">Get free No obligation details now and decide for yourself!</H4>
<H4>(1) Send a blank e-mail to: </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR ="#0000FF">    <br>
Please put the words below in the Subject space:<br>
"Qcsbs Details, Code Bm  "</FONT>
In about 1 hr, check all your folders:<br>
Inbox & Bulk Mail  for our fast reply!
<FONT COLOR ="#000000">Thank you!</H4>
<H5>This offer will be sent to you once, only and it is valid <br> for 1 week only. Void where prohibited by law. <BR> 
Not available to Connecticut residents. <BR> 
Our remove address is:      </FONT></H5>
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