qwerty1@citiz.net_0001 - 2003-02-27 work from home - mailto:qwerty1@citiz.net mailto:sefthb1@citiz.net
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qwerty1@citiz.net_0001 - 2003-02-27 work from home - mailto:qwerty1@citiz.net mailto:sefthb1@citiz.net
Return-Path: <mlsxhq@citiz.net>
Received: from citiz.net ([])
by mail.munged.ext (8.11.6/8.11.6) with SMTP id h1RCAIa01929
for <chien@munged.ext>; Thu, 27 Feb 2003 12:10:20 GMT
Message-Id: <200302271210.h1RCAIa01929@mail.munged.ext>
From: "home-based work" <mlsxhq@citiz.net>
To: <chien@munged.ext>
Subject: PC HomeWorker
Sender: "home-based work" <mlsxhq@citiz.net>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 01:08:50 +0800
Would you like to earn money and do it from home. Your only
requirements are a computer with email access and light typing skills.
How much you make is up to you. You will be processing orders from
your computer. The possibilities are endless.Email qwerty1@citiz.net
with 'more info' in subject line for more information
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this email with REMOVE in the subject line
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