wqwas.tripod.com_0002 - 2002-10-06 get rich quick sam - wqwas.tripod.com
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wqwas.tripod.com_0002 - 2002-10-06 get rich quick sam - wqwas.tripod.com
Return-Path: <bizgenes5u6t@yahoo.com>
Received: from mx5.aruba.it (mx5.aruba.it [])
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Sun, 6 Oct 2002 21:12:02 -0400
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From: bizgenes5u6t@yahoo.com
Subject: _>>Create a PAYCHECK with your Computer<<_
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 00:09:32 -1000
Hello there,
You get emails every day, offering to show you how to make money.
Most of these emails are from people who are NOT making any money.
And they expect you to listen to them?
If you want to make money with your computer, then you should
hook up with a group that is actually DOING it. We are making
a large, continuing income every month. What's more - we will
show YOU how to do the same thing.
This business is done completely by internet and email, and you
can even join for free to check it out first. If you can send
an email, you can do this. No special "skills" are required.
How much are we earning? Anything from $500 to $9000 per month.
We are real people, and most of us work at this business part-time.
But keep in mind, we do WORK at it - I am not going to
insult your intelligence by saying you can sign up, do no work,
and rake in the cash. That kind of job does not exist. But if
you are willing to put in 10-12 hours per week, this might be
just the thing you are looking for.
This is not income that is determined by luck, or work that is
done FOR you - it is all based on your effort. But, as I said,
there are no special skills required. And this income is RESIDUAL -
meaning that it continues each month (and it tends to increase
each month also).
Interested? I invite you to find out more. You can get in as a
free member, at no cost, and no obligation to continue if you
decide it is not for you. We are just looking for people who still
have that "burning desire" to find an opportunity that will reward
them incredibly well, if they work at it.
To grab a FREE ID#, simply go to the link below and enter your
We will confirm your position and send you a special report as
soon as possible, and also your Free Member ID. That is all there
is to it!
You can then make up your own mind and decide whether you want to
make some money too...or not.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
P.S. After having several negative experiences with network
marketing companies, I had pretty much given up on them. This is
different - there is value, integrity and a REAL opportunity to have
your own home-based business...and finally make real money on the
Don't pass this up...you can sign up and test drive the program for
FREE. All you need to do is get your Free Membership.
This email has been screened and filtered by our in-house "Opt-Out"
system in compliance with State Law. If you wish to have your email
address deleted from this mailing as well as future mailings, please
go to our "Opt-Out" Website"
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