- 2002-08-03 live shows.exe
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(2089) View this spam as a plain text file TOASTEDspam.com toasted spam dot com - 2002-08-03 live shows.exe
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New Page 1

// Copyright 2002 by Ray Stott, One Time Pop-up Windows Script ver 1.0
// OK to use if this copyright is included
// Script is available at http://www.crays.com/jsc

var oneTimeWinName = "oneTimePop"
function openPopWinOnce(winURL, winWidth, winHeight, winFeatures, winLeft, winTop){
var d_winLeft = 20 // default, pixels from screen left to window left
var d_winTop = 20 // default, pixels from screen top to window top
var popcookies = document.cookie
if (openPopWinOnce.arguments.length >= 4) // any additional features?
winFeatures = "," + winFeatures
winFeatures = ""
if (openPopWinOnce.arguments.length == 6) // location specified
winFeatures += getLocationOne(winWidth, winHeight, winLeft, winTop)
winFeatures += getLocationOne(winWidth, winHeight, d_winLeft, d_winTop)
if (popcookies.indexOf(oneTimeWinName) == -1){ // cookie not found
window.open(winURL, oneTimeWinName, "width=" + winWidth
+ ",height=" + winHeight + winFeatures)
function openPopWinOnceBack(winURL, winWidth, winHeight, winFeatures, winLeft, winTop){
openPopWinOnce(winURL, winWidth, winHeight, winFeatures, winLeft, winTop)
function getLocationOne(winWidth, winHeight, winLeft, winTop){
return ""

// for Netscape 4+ and IE 4+
function getLocationOne(winWidth, winHeight, winLeft, winTop){
var winLocation = ""
if (winLeft < 0)
winLeft = screen.width - winWidth + winLeft
if (winTop < 0)
winTop = screen.height - winHeight + winTop
if (winTop == "cen")
winTop = (screen.height - winHeight)/2 - 20
if (winLeft == "cen")
winLeft = (screen.width - winWidth)/2
if (winLeft>0 & winTop>0)
winLocation = ",screenX=" + winLeft + ",left=" + winLeft
+ ",screenY=" + winTop + ",top=" + winTop
winLocation = ""
return winLocation

bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan -->

<a href=" Shows.exe"><img border="0" src="" width="366" height="96">

<img border="0" src="" width="366" height="100">

<img border="0" src="" width="366" height="57">

<img border="0" src="" width="366" height="77">

<!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup"
startspan --><!--webbot
bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan --><a href=" Shows.exe"><img border="0" src="" width="366" height="90">

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