- 2002-08-13 debtelim
Stupid spam

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(1903) View this spam as a plain text file TOASTEDspam.com toasted spam dot com - 2002-08-13 debtelim
Return-Path: <Donna43220851j80@aol.com>
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From: <Donna43220851j80@aol.com>
To: Postmaster@mail.munged.ext
Subject: Fwd: One *easy* payment program. 5139HuF-7
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 08:09:54 +0500
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1

Can you use this?

I thought I'd forward this to you.

This program really works. Hope it helps.


Fwd: 5561VNTg4-562UVPX0101lfwf0-084Xnbq0050HjDb4-038hDfL6l49
> >
> "I Was So Far In Debt, I Thought
> I'd Never Get Out - Then I Found This!"
> >
> They we're calling every night when I got out of work.
> Bill collectors, attorneys, and creditors.
> I was at the end of my rope. Bankruptcy was my only
> hope. But I didn't want to ruin by good name and credit
> history for - a very long 10 years.
> What could I do? The pressure was intense.
> One night as I was cleaning my e-mail inbox I found an
> offer for a new program that would take the pressure off
> me.
> I was skeptical but, I contacted them - immediately.
> They said I wouldn't need to file for bankruptcy. That I
> could make the humiliating collection calls go away -
> instantly. Even cut my credit card payments in half.
> They'd do all the hard work for me. They'd negotiate on
> my behalf and reduce my interest rates, and arrange a
> payment plan I could easily live with.
> Also, they showed me how, by paying only the minimum
> payment every month, it would take 29 years to get out
> of debt. But with their program I'd be debt-free in just
> 3 maybe 5 years.
> They setup a personal plan just for me and it's been
> working like crazy!
> Finally, I'm putting the power of money to work *for*
> me, instead of *against* me.
> Being in control of my financial life is like a breath
> of fresh air. No more phone calls. No more dreading the
> daily mail. Now I'm fearless and 10 feet tall.
> You can get the same help I did.
> Try their FREE consultation today!
> P.S. Forward this to anyone that could use it.
TOASTEDspam.com toasted spam dot com