- 2002-08-02
Stupid spam

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(2045) View this spam as a plain text file toasted spam dot com - 2002-08-02
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From: Marketing Department <>
Message-ID: <000023a737b3$00001a17$>
Subject: Here are the Financial Specs you requested.
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2002 17:23:00 -1600

This should solve some of your problems...

After months of research, we have found the "best of the best"

FREE money and grant programs in the country and put them

all together in one place for you to benefit from.

These programs give money for almost any reason,

and you **DO NOT** have to pay it back!

<a href="">Never Pay Back! Click Here!


* Billions of dollars will be *

* granted this year alone! *


We have reserved a limited number of copies for only our most

valued members (such as yourself), but we ask that you go there A.S.A.P.

because demand is very high, and the publisher says "when they're gone, no more".

<a href="">CLICK HERE!

 toasted spam dot com