- 2002-08-05 cheat & eat / slim tec
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(1968) View this spam as a plain text file toasted spam dot com - 2002-08-05 cheat & eat / slim tec
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Subject: Cheat & Eat, Still Lose Weight! Big Saving Now! Time:4:55:53 PM
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 16:55:53

<body link="#0000a0" vlink="#0000a0" background="background2.jpg" topmargin="10"

<font face="Verdana" color=#000099
>Cheat & Eat

<FONT face=Verdana color=#000099
>Lose Weight Without Changing

Your Eating Habits or Lifestyle!

Take $10.00 Off 5 Month Supplies, and $5.00 Of
f 2 Month Supplies! Offer Good Until August 27, 2002!

Continue eating foods that you're
accustomed to

...and still shed extra pounds!
Cheat & Eat, an amazing new product,
naturally blocks absorption of fat and sugar in the food you consume. The blocking action
reduces the number of calories available to the body from the food you normally eat.</small
Cheat & Eat actually blocks the amount
of fat and sugar the body can absorb from the food you consume. It also provides a second
"line of defense", by working in the bloodstream to further impede the level of
fat and carbohydrates available for metabolism.

face="Verdana">Cheat & Eat is a unique and effective blend of four
natural ingredients that work synergistically in the body:
Chitosan - acts as a "Fat Magnet". By attaching to
fat particles, Chitosan prevents fat from being absorbed through the intestinal tract.
Instead, the fat bound to Chitosan passes safely through the body.
Gymnema Sylvestre - works to block the amount of sugar that
can be absorbed and metabolized by the body.
Garcinia Cambogia - works in the bloodstream at the cellular
level. Competing with an enzyme produced by the body necessary for metabolizing fat and
carbohydrates, Garcinia Cambogia causes the body to burn some of the excess fat and
carbohydrates as fuel instead of storing them as fat.
Vitamin C - enhances the effectiveness of Chitosan. </sma

Cheat & Eat is very easy to use. You
simply take one or more tablets with an 8 oz of water about 30 to 45 minutes before
mealtime. Even Cheat & Eat taken just before meals still works, but
with reduced effectiveness. For maximum results, it is important to take Cheat
& Eat at the recommended 30-45 minutes prior to eating.
The amount of weight you can expect to
lose may vary, customers have reported weight loss of 25-35 pounds and more after two to
three months of regular use.
Cheat & Eat is so safe that it can be
taken everyday and with each meal and snack if desired.

Please Visit Our
And Place Your Order
TODAY! <font
size="5">CLICK HERE

To Order by postal mail, please send to the below address.

Make payable to Slim Tec.

Slim Tec

P. O. Box 36

Dayton, Ohio 45405

Order by 24 Hour Fax!!! 775-258-2895.

___1 Bottle $29.95, plus $5.95 S & H, Cheat & Eat Fat Absorbers/Blockers.

___2 Bottles $58.45, plus $5.95 S & H, Cheat & Eat Fat Absorbers/Blockers.

(Free Bottle With Purchase, $29.95 Value)

___3 Bottles $72.85, plus $5.95 S & H, Cheat & Eat Fat Absorbers/Blockers.

(Free Bottle With Purchase, $29.95 Value)

Important Credit Card Information! Please Read Below!

* Credit Card Address, City, State and Zip Code, must match
billing address to be processed.



___VISA, MASTERCARD, AmericanExpress

___ Debt Card


(As it appears on Check or Credit Card)


(As it appears on Check or Credit Card)


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(Credit Card Number)

Expiration Month_____ Year_____


Authorized Signature


If Shipping Address Is Different From The Billing Address Above,
Please Fill Out Information Below.

Shipping Name______________________________________________

Shipping Address___________________________________________


Shipping City,State,Zip




Email Address & Phone Number(Please Write Neat)

We apologize for any email you may have inadvertently

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