ijlivingston.claimcenter-ij.net_0001 - 2002-09-27 terribly stupid & clueless spam - i haven't the foggiest idea what this was about
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ijlivingston.claimcenter-ij.net_0001 - 2002-09-27 terribly stupid & clueless spam - i haven't the foggiest idea what this was about
Return-Path: <ijlivingston.claimcenter@ij.net>
Received: from smtp.ij.net (smtp1.ij.net [])
by mail.munged.ext (8.11.6/8.11.6) with SMTP id g8RCaun23902
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 08:36:57 -0400
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 08:36:57 -0400
Message-Id: <200209271236.g8RCaun23902@mail.munged.ext>
Received: (qmail 30352 invoked from network); 27 Sep 2002 12:34:17 -0000
Received: from p43-135.tnt2.ij.net (HELO ij.net) (
by smtp1-ij.ij.net with SMTP; 27 Sep 2002 12:34:17 -0000
From: ijlivingston.claimcenter@ij.net
Reply-To: ijlivingston.claimcenter@ij.net
Subject: Your payment posting outsource project

We are struggling with the decision to go ahead with our plans to utilize an outsource company to process our payment (EOB) batches for payment posting and online document storage (online retrieval service, online reports, etc.).

An outside consultant mentioned that he had heard that not too long ago you were considering a relationship with an outsource company to reduce data entry cost and improve efficiency. If you could let us know if you did move forward with any plans in that direction it would be of great help to us.

May I ask what initially prompted you to consider outsourcing as an alternative to manual payment posting or EOB processing. What outsource company did you go with? Would you recommend we take a look at them? At present we are still planning to continue our research until we decide which healthcare outsourcing company best fits our needs, then establish the relationship with them quickly. If you are just starting to consider this alternative, feel free to stay in touch, We will let you know what we decide and how they worked for us.

If you cannot advise on this please forward this E-mail to the proper individual in your company who might be able to help with this.

> Thanks,

> Jay
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