mike239-deal-maker.com_0001 - 2002-08-20 search engine submission
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mike239-deal-maker.com_0001 - 2002-08-20 search engine submission
Return-Path: <happy2b77@amrer.net>
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Message-ID: <000068cb7e23$00005aa3$000038db@>
From: happy2b77@amrer.net
Subject: Frustrated With The Major Search Engines 14555
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 14:17:10 -0500

Frustrated with the Major search engines

Frustrated with the Major
search engines?

Are you tired of doing everything the
"EXPERTS" say works and you're still not

getting any targeted traffic.

Wouldn't you just like to relax and concentrate on your core business?
Do it!

Just relax and let us handle this search engine madness.

"While it is true that paid services are usurping what once was the

domain of specialists, no in-house marketing division of any sized

company can properly handle the complexities of being listed in all

the best places without utilizing specialists, (not media buyers)."

Detlev Johnson Moderator I-Search

In order to market your business
effectively on the Net, you will need

to know these facts:
You Must Know:

ALL the keyword strings you might
convert to sales

(usually there are hundreds of them). You can't afford to miss any.

The REAL cost to compete on the
Internet based on the keyword strings

you must have in order to convert your traffic to sales.

Which search engines to pay for.

How much to pay. This doesn't mean
you have to pay the most.

What your competitors are paying.

Which engines use spidering and you
must know how to attract

those spiders to the keywords you need.

Be aware every time the engines
change how they do business.

(They have been known to change as often as twice a year).

When a particular search engine is
down (Some have been down as

long as 6 months at a time.)

When a search engine is accepting
submissions, and when they are not.

How a search engine takes

The kind of content a search engines
feels is relevant, and what it feels is not.

What technology on your site would
hurt your search engine rankings

and what will help.

Understand the marketing through the
search engines is a full time job with homework.

If you're already running a business,
why on earth would you want another job AND homework?

We will save you time, money and major
frustration. We will do the work so you

can run your business. We will consult with you to add or change content to

maximize your effectiveness in the search engines.

We make it possible for your valuable
content to get recorded by the major search engines.

Get click-throughs from Yahoo, Alta Vista, Excite, Netscape,

Hotbot, Lycos, Google, Inktomi, Fast Seach, Findwhat, Teoma, AskJeeves and

Only pay for targeted Search Engine
leads that have come and seen your site!

Increase your sales conversion rate on the leads that visit your site.We

our leads from the major search engines only, based on the target criteria you

give us. We only charge per click and there is no bidding.

Quoting I-Search

"Finally there exists published
evidence that you must change content and

code at the destination site for optimal placement; that you might not be
smart to buy

traffic from the SEO that says otherwise.  Even when you utilize a

feed service, most setups require some code and content enhancement

for the job, and that requires a specialist!  To say avoid SEO but

add Overture, AdWords and Looksmart to media plans is ridiculous and

completely ignorant of the world of search beyond paid placement."

We will save you time, money and major

Just fill out and submit the brief form
below and we will have an SEO specialist

contact you.

We'll explain the research. We'll back
up the facts. We'll work within your budget.

Thank you.

R Gantt
Please use your mouse to move from field to field. Contact




Web Site Address:

Mailing Address:


Type Of Business

10 Keywords or Phrases

Do You Have An Ad Budget?

Other Internet Advertising

How Long Have You Been Marketing On The Internet?

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