This offer valid only till
September 26th, 2002
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Internet Marketing - beyond the basics
A new way to do business that will change business forever and unleash unlimited prosperity to those who learn these secrets....
For the next 72 hours you can take advantage of this very
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WEBMarketing ...beyond the basics
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The Authoritative Source of Web Marketing for Business with over 200 pages of the latest techniques for successful Internet Marketing
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Review examples of 37 successful websites that will make your mouth water in anticipation of success. Sites that attract 60,000 Unique Visitors a week - where the average Website has only 200 Unique Visitors a YEAR!
See how low budgets sites have created 20,000, 200,000, 300,000 and even 400,000 opt-in email databases with quirky and unusual strategies.
WEBMarketing ...beyond the basics covers little known "Trade Secrets" that unlock the money making potential for Business Marketing on the Web including:
Understanding The Medium
A guide to all the Internet's language, systems, terms and Internet Savy.
Effective On-line Marketing
Examine promotional, advertising, marketing and sales goals for realistic on-line marketing efforts and look at ways to measure their results.
Permission Marketing
What works and what doesn't! Claim the Internet for your business
the future of the Internet - Permission
Grab Attention On-Line.
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Viral Marketing
Grow you business the way hotmail exploded -
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Learn this skill and you will dramatically increase your business and profits.
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Winning the Privacy Act changes
There is nothing to fear with the recent changes to the Privacy Act. Learn what you need to do, how easy it is to turn the changes into a bonus and see samples of Privacy Statements for marketers
Maximising Search Engines
The number of web pages has exceeded 1 billion and the search engines aren't keeping up. Learn strategies to keep you in front of the pack.
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On-Line Marketing Plans
There's always a plan behind every brilliant marketing strategy. To make money on the Internet you need to know how to clearly identify your objectives and realise your goals.
Building an Internet Marketing Effort.
What's it cost and what can you expect.... you can do it yourself for free or you can pay for the best advice. What's best for you?
All this and more...
Email marketing either to Opt-In Databases or as Targeted Direct marketing will give you a profitable return quicker than any other form of marketing effort. There are millions of responsive buyers out there for just about anything you have to sell. Our bonus offer includes everything you need to make a start on creating your own WebMarketing success - all on one CD!
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