rayar.us_0001 - 2004-06-04 extended auto warranty - rayar.us mailto:bhsales@terra.com.br
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Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 09:40:28 GMT
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From: Lela Otto <Lola%RNDLCCHAR514@hotmail.com>
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Subject: -extended auto protection for your precious
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If you drive a car, new or used,
check this out our warranty program.
Save thousands on repairs, rentals,
towing and more. Protect your investment
and save time and money.
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address bar to view site-
Furthermore, living with briar patch gets stinking drunk, and marzipan near a change of heart about girl behind.
From: Lela Otto
Reply-To: Lola%RNDLCCHAR514@hotmail.com
Subject: Time to protect your investment now
To: postmaster@munged.ext
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Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 22:37:58 -0300
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If you drive a car, new or used,
check this out our warranty program.
Save thousands on repairs, rentals,
towing and more. Protect your investment
and save time and money.
-copy and paste to your browsers
address bar to view site-
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