Return-path: Tue Mar 8 14:02:24 2005 [2005-03-08 14:02:24 63327]
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From: "Toriatech" <>
To: Kelly@munged.ext
Subject: Programmers and Consultants on contract
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 10:58:10 -0800
Good Morning,
I wanted to touch base and see if you had any need for contract Programmers this first quarter of 2005. Please contact us if you have some needs, or would like to include us in your preferred vendor list. Below are some of the skills we have in your area along with rates....
J2EE,EJB(55/hr) Peoplesoft(Technical - 70/hr)(Functional - 80/hr) SAP Technical(75/hr)
SAP Functional(90/hr) Siebel(70/hr) Baan(75/hr)
Lawson(75/hr) Oracle Financials/Manufacturing/Clinical(Technical-70/hr)(Functional-80/hr) Corba(55/hr)
Hyperion Essbase(65/hr) Business Objects(65/hr) SeeBeyond(65/hr)
Informatica(65/hr) Oracle DBA(65/hr) DB2 DBA (65/hr)
Sybase DBA(65/hr) SQL DBA(60/hr) Quality Assurance Engineer(50/hr)
.Net,,C#, Unix/AIX/NT/WebSphere/Weblogic Administrator(60/hr) Java, C/C++(55/hr), BIZTALK(85/hr)
VB/ASP(55/hr), Mainframe(55/hr) Cobol(55/hr), RPG(55/hr), SAS(55/hr) EDI(60/hr),ASIC(55/hr)
- and many more. If you do not see a skill set you are in need of please feel free to contact me. In case the consultant is not local, these rates do not change. Travel and relocation are included in the rate.
Please keep in mind we also have a 3 month contract-to-hire (with no conversion fee to full-time) option.
Alex Averhoff
ToriaTech Inc.
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Good Morning,
I wanted to touch base and
see if you had any need for contract Programmers this first quarter of
2005. Please contact us if you have some needs, or would like toinclude
us in your preferred vendor list. Below are some of the skills we have
in your area along with rates....
- 70/hr)(Functional - 80/hr)
- and many more. If you do
not see a skill set you are in need of please feel free to contactme.
In case the consultant is not local, these rates do not change. Travel
and relocation are included in the rate.
Please keep in mind we also
have a 3 month contract-to-hire (with no conversion fee to full-time)
Alex Averhoff
are receiving this mail because you either subscribed at one of our websites
or you subscribed with a third party. We sincerely hope you enjoyed receiving
this mailing, but if you received it in error, and if you don't wishto
receive any further messages from us please <a href="">follow
the link and you will be automatically excluded from any future mailings.